#10: Danny Ishay - How To Become An Effective Vegan Activist

Today I'm joined by Danny Ishay or @lifting_vegan_logic on Instagram. Danny is a college undergrad currently studying human communications, and the reason he actually took on this major is because he wanted to become a better animal rights activist. If you've seen him on Instagram, he's pretty known for his "change my mind" signs, where he usually has some type of controversial title about veganism with "change my mind" under it, so he's pretty active in terms of activism, which we get into a lot in this podcast. I have yet to really interview an activist, so this made for a very interesting talk. As far as other stuff we talk about in this podcast, we go from talking about his background in college, to why he decided to transition to veganism and his current fitness regime, because not only is he a vegan activist, but he is also a vegan bodybuilder. We also go over why he believes roadkill is vegan, why he smokes weed almost every night, and a lot more.


#11: David Cleary - Creating A Full Time Online Vegan Business Through Instagram


#09: Daryl Hawks - Knowing Your Own Worth As A Professional Videographer (Or Any Creative)