#28: Jordan Welch - Becoming a Millionaire at 23, Going Plant Based, and Building a Legacy

Jordan Welch is a 23 year old entrepreneur, digital marketer, and YouTuber. He has built many dropshipping businesses over the years and now makes over $100,000 a month. Jordan also documents his dropshipping/entrepreneurial journey on his YouTube channel, where he has many helpful videos for those looking to get started with this type of business.

In this podcast, we go over:

His first entrepreneurial ventures as a 12 year old

Why he started his YouTube

His daily routine

How lifting weights relates to business (and why he’s plant based)

The core principles of standing out in dropshipping

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#29: Pat McAuley - Why Most People Will Never See Success, Owning A Vegan Pub, and How A Plant Based Diet Changed His Life


#27: Adam Kellerman - Quitting Your Job and Going All In On Entrepreneurship