#17: Daniel "Neftali" Bonilla - Building A Local Hip Hop Community, Going Twitter Viral, and Why COVID-19 Was Secretly A Blessing

Today is a very special episode. Today I am joined by Daniel Bonilla, otherwise known as "Neftali" in the rap group "Freak The Miighty". Freak The Miighty is a 4-man Hip Hop/RnB group consisting of Neftali, SusKingBrad, KarmaBeads, and Namic. It was formed a couple years back in my hometown of Buffalo NY, and I've been friends with all the guys in the group for years now. In this podcast Daniel and I go over how the group was formed, their process for performing at venues, viral twitter videos, and why COVID and lockdown has been a blessing for creatives. The video version of this interview is available at https://youtube.com/colehastings .


#18: Miles Kasiri: From Professional Tennis Prodigy To Vegan Nutritionist (How He Completely Changed His Identity)


#16: Luis Camejo - How To Make A Living Off Of Content Creation