#19: Stefan Gerbl - Conquering Lyme Disease Through a Plant Based Diet, Trusting Your Intuition, and Building a Business Online

Today's podcast features Stefan Gerbl (@satisforest on instagram). Stefan is a content creator, entrepreneur, and naturopathy advocate who coaches people through optimizing both their body and mind. His focus on holistic and vegan practices separates him from a lot of other "fitness coaches" and his approach is very unique, which makes him one of the best.
In this podcast, we talk about his battle with lyme disease (and how he overcame it), his self help journey, and how he maintains his online business.


#20: Austin "Hooly" Barker - How to Attract the Right Tribe, Change Your Mindset And Become Limitless


#18: Miles Kasiri: From Professional Tennis Prodigy To Vegan Nutritionist (How He Completely Changed His Identity)